Research in Social Science


C  Concept of Research in Social Science

-        Understanding the concept of Research Methods, Techniques and Tools: Interview, Focus Group Discussion, Observation Qualitative, Quantitative and Mix Method in Social Research

-        Research Proposal and its Components


-  Meaning of research


-Research  is an attempt to know new things, facts, information in a scientific manner.

- The process of searching again and again to find new or something more about the problems or phenomena is research.

- Research is searching the answers to problems or questions.

- Research is undertaken to discover answer to questions by applying scientific methods.

- It is systemic and organized effort to investigate a scientific problems that needs a solution.

- Research is always directed towards the solution of problems.

-       It focused on the process of theory construction and test and retest process

-       Eliminate human ignorant and curiosity.

-       Research is always based on empirical evidence.

-       Research is always systematic, objective, controlled and logic.

-       Research has both theoretical and practical objectives.

-       It is never ending process.

-       Collection of real fact.



l. V. Redman and A.V.H.Morry : “ Systematised effort to gain new knowledge, we call research.”


A.K.Singh “ Scientific research is a systemic and objective attempt to provide answers to certain questions.”


Wallace and Wallace “ Sociological research refers to the structural observation of social behaviour.”

Research Proposal

-        Pre plan documents for the further research which is prepare by the researcher/personal or institutional.

-        Initial step of the research which is prepare before conducting the research which is the overall planning about the further research.

-        Use of future tense for the preparation o f research


Research Proposal and its Components

1.  Identification of Research Problem

2.  Formulation of Objectives

3.  Research Design

4.  Formation of Hypothesis/Research Questions

5.  Sampling Design

6.  Tools and Methods of Data Collection

7.  Analysis and Presentation of Data

1.  Introduction/Background of the study

2.  Statement of the problem

3.  Objectives of the study

4.  Review of Relate Literature

5.  Research Methodology

-        Research Design

-        Selection of study area

-        Universe and sample

-        Tools and techniques of data collection

-        Reliability and validity of data

-        Ethical Consideration








Research Report Writing and Presentation

-        It is the  final document about the research which is prepare after complete the research activities.

-        Use past tense for the report writing.

Preliminary Part

-        Tithe Page

-        Abstract

-        Letter of Recommendation

-        Letter of Approval

-        Declaration

-        Acknowledgement

-        Table of Content

-        List of Tables

-        Abbreviations


Main Part

-        Chapter 1

1.  Introduction

1.1                   Background of the Study

1.2                   Statement of the Problem

1.3                   Objectives of the study

1.4                   Research Questions

1.5                   significance of the Study

1.6                   limitations of the Study

2.  Review of related literature

3.  Research Methodology

3.1                   Research Design

3.2                   Selection of Study Area

3.3                   Nature and Source of Data

3.4                   Universe and Sample

3.5                   Data Collection Tools and Techniques

3.6                   Reliability and validity of data

3.7                   Ethical Consideration

4.  Data Analysis and Interpretation

5.  Summary, Findings and Conclusion








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Research in Social Science

   C  Concept of Research in Social Science -         Understanding the concept of Research Methods, Techniques and Tools: Interview, Fo...